Good morning. Happy Sunday!
I hope everyone had a chance to recognize and celebrate Global Oneness Day, which was officially recognized yesterday, but which, in reality, is every day.
Every single moment we have the opportunity to be one with All That Is, including every person and thing around us. If we could recognize our profound connection to one another and to Nature, it would simply be near impossible to inflict harm upon anything without first considering the ramifications to everything else. It is my dream that one day, humanity will reach this state of spiritual evolution.
Until that point, the best we can do is the best we can do. While it may not make a major difference in the state of the planet, both ecologically and socially, it will make a difference in our own lives if we decide to live in a manner that is true to spirit and honors all of life and all of Nature. Do the right thing. Live correctly and gently upon the Earth, because you can.
Be the example. Be the change.
As more people begin to recognize themselves in the eyes of others, they too will begin to live in a more sustainable way as they realize that this fine planet is our only home (for now).
Why would anyone choose otherwise?
As we awaken to our own personal power, it becomes more difficult to de-evolve and go back to a way of life that not only did not nurture our spiritual selves, but also did not honor our Mother Earth, Father Sky and all of the Spiritual Universe that surrounds us. We are a part of that Universe -- more so than we are a part of the materialistic world in which we find our human selves.
Recognize yourself in everything. Not just One day, but every day. It is vitally important. As you awaken to Yourself, Humanity awakens to itself. 100 monkeys. As more become aware, we reach critical mass and the majority begins to participate in a spiritual revolution. It is this evolution that has the potential to save humankind as well as this beautiful planet we live on.
Join me. Join One. Acknowledge your part in the web of life. Recognize the pieces as they fit together to create One living, breathing organism --- this great Earth. Allow yourself to open to your Spiritual home of simply being and flowing with the Universal energy (love) that creates and sustains your soul.
Have a great day!
~Rev Kerry
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