Good morning. Happy Sunday.
This week has been full of lessons, as most weeks are, if we take the time to notice, acknowledge and learn from them. Have you been accepting the gifts the Universe has for you?
I have seen a lot of owls as of late. They are in trees, on top of power poles, flying over fields, and even standing in the road. So I ask myself, what is Owl trying to say to me?
Owl is about discernment, and about seeing or hearing the things people do not say. Owl reminds us that if we stay silent and still for a moment, we may actually see what is really going on in particular situations. So, I tried that. Certainly I have received a lot of intuitions this week, but I'm pretty intuitive to begin with. What was amazing was how things have played out around me, as I tuned into my own feelings about things. It is remarkable how the Universe brings us the right messages at the right times, isn't it? By watching things unfold I learn about myself. The world is my mirror. Who do I want to be?
There have also been a lot of messages about surrendering to what is. It is time to stop fighting life and just let it be. "Go with the flow," as the saying goes. When we stop trying so hard to change things, to make things better, or what have you, and simply let life unfold as it will, the Universe tends to hand us exactly what we need for each given moment. Perhaps we missed it before because we were too caught up in our "struggle" or caught in the clutches of our old nemesis ego.
Relationships can be that way too. As people around me end relationships, or reaffirm their love for one another, I can silently witness the unfolding of simple surrender. In this observation I can realize for myself how my life holds the answers to my own questions. The solutions are in the problems. Or maybe there is no problem at all.
I am lucky and blessed to share space with my small family, who teaches me continuously how to deal with myself. As I tend to them, I tend to me. When I surrender into motherhood, I become the intuitive mother who simply knows what is best for her children. When I surrender into my relationship with my partner, my expectations fall away and I can allow a friendship to be born out of our shared history and common goals. It becomes easier to see the path we walk upon when my vision is not clouded by unnecessary judgement. The past has fallen away and together we can share the current moment, realizing that those people we once were are no longer here. All we have is Now.
Surrender into what is. Practice discernment and choose the life you wish to participate in. It is a choice. When we struggle, the Universe is providing us with opportunities to look again. Perhaps it is time to let go of people and situations that bring negativity into the picture. Perhaps it is time to take a personal inventory and really examine the truth of who we are. Who do we wish to be? Is that the person we present to the world? Are we judging, or even elevating those around us to the point that we miss who they really are? Are we allowing our intuition to guide us so that we can make sound decisions based upon our Spirit's calling?
Give yourself some time away from people and responsibility and allow your inner self to guide you. Your Spirit speaks to you constantly, if you quiet the outside noise enough to hear it. It will never lead you astray. The Universe hands you messages to reaffirm what Spirit is telling you, in case you weren't listening closely enough.
Surrender into yourself and the spiritual being you are. Allow your Soul to guide you. Everything will be just fine.
Love and light to all.
~Rev. Kerry
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