Good morning. Happy Sunday!
Ever have those moments when you realize who you are is so at odds with most of the culture you live in? Ever feel disconnected from the world around you?
I think we all have these moments. I think this disconnect allows us to find our own truth in our separation from everything happening around us. Sometimes we have to step back, step away from the mundane world and take a look at things. We can ask ourselves..."is this the reality I want to create?"
Our lives encompass every inner aspect of our own stuff. Take it or leave it. As soon as we recognize all that is going on outside of us that we do not like, we can look inside and see if we can find the corresponding thoughts and feelings that created our current reality.
It is not easy. Especially acknowledging that that thing we don't like in someone's in us too. For example, while I may abhor guns and see no need for gun ownership, there is something inside of me that still speaks in the language of fear that only gun owners can hear. Otherwise, this would not be reflected in my own world.
I can push those people out of my life, so I don't have to look at them, or hear about their gun escapades, but it still exists within me. So, as I stand in my disconnection, I have to acknowledge that I too have a gun problem, and I need to figure out why.
Perhaps my fear is of those with guns, the government with big guns, and this continuing and pervasive need in the American culture to perpetuate control through violence. My fear is that, as a people, we will never find peace if we continue to focus on weapons as a means to solve our problems.
But how does that relate to me? How does that reflect my own issues? What are my weapons that I will not lay down? What am I fighting to control? What stands between me and peace?
These are questions that I have to meditate on. While I do not condone killing machinery, I have to examine myself to see how I hurt others in my need to have power and control. Maybe through words. Maybe my words keep me from achieving the peace I long for. Perhaps my words are as devastating to some as bombings are to others (probably not, but I'm trying to find the reflection here.).
What I am trying to explore here, is my discontent and disconnect with others and how that is really my issue and not theirs. We are All One. Sometimes I have a hard time seeing it or feeling it. It is something I work on. My disconnection only highlights something within that needs to be healed.
Once we discover whatever it is that is bothering us, we have an opportunity to grow within our own selves as we come to terms with our truth.
Does that mean that people who have different beliefs from me will disappear? Not really. Tolerance goes a long way to creating peace, but we do not have to be tolerant of that which might kill us, that is absurd. Everyone is throwing around this idea of tolerance, and respecting other people and their differences, but really? As long as they are not hurting me or infringing on my rights, they can do whatever they want...that's a common belief these days. But really?
So, contrary to popular thought, I'm going to disregard tolerance as an effective means to change the world.
I can't see how respecting a child molester's belief systems will benefit anyone, especially the children. I do not tolerate the bombing of innocent humans for any cause, even though others believe this practice is okay, and perhaps necessary in promoting peace. That is definitely at odds with my own truth.
I am allowed to discover my own path to inner peace, as is everyone else. As I examine myself, and heal those things inside that are creating the world around me, those things will not necessarily disappear, but they will fade away. Those issues will no longer be directly in front of me, because I create what I believe.
It is difficult at best to let go of that which does not serve the higher good. Our culture feeds on fear and domination, and to find people who do not buy into mainstream thought patterns is a rare thing indeed.
So, it's okay to feel disconnected. Perhaps it's even a good thing. It is your consciousness waking up and realizing that your spirit does not want to be involved with the status quo. Your spirit knows there are better ways. Listen to you higher self. Go within and heal that which hurts and you will find that the outside world begins to reshape itself around the love you find inside.
We may feel disconnected to the mundane world around us, but we are always connected to our higher selves, our spirit, the Universe, God, if we open ourselves to that connection. The disconnect from people around us allows us the quiet we need to meditate on the reality we want to create.
Everything will turn out fine. "Change your thoughts, change your life." -Wayne Dyer
After all, this journey is ultimately a spiritual one and the physical world is secondary--a construct of our own beliefs.
Love to all.
~Rev. Kerry
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