Sunday, February 2, 2014

Detoxification (2.2.14)

Good morning. Happy Sunday!

I have been having trouble coming up with something to write about this week. So, I'll just describe my week long experience.

As you may know, or not, I have been water fasting for a while now. I decided to end my fast after ten days, which was yesterday, because I just did not have the time to dedicate to resting continuously. I was feeling pretty weak, trying to maintain my current lifestyle and do my part to take care of the family and the farm. So, I ended the fast.

I never had any great epiphanies, although that may have been because I simply did not fast long enough. What I did have was some emotional cleansing, as well as detoxifying my body. I guess we hold onto old emotions, like anger and pain, in the cells of our bodies, and when we do an extended detox, those feelings come out.

And, that's okay, but I was believing I was having some kind of message from the Universe, when instead I was just regurgitating old crap from my past. I said some things I shouldn't have to people close to me, when instead I should have remained silent and rode it out. I am sorry for that.

At the end of my fast, I was so eager to eat all of the wonderful foods my family has been eating all along, that I pushed a little too hard. While I did not eat much--my stomach just won't allow for it--I did eat a bit too heavy, instead of sticking to the juice regimen recommended. Last night, and this morning, I am still paying for it. My gluttony did nothing good for me.

I have continued to receive signs from the Universe in terms of great big NOs, as far as relocation destinations, and maybe in my fasting state I have been more open to receive and let go of the ideas I had for those particular places.

In the end, I learned some things about my body and myself. I recommend a detoxification program, whether that be water fasting or juice fasting, to everyone. In today's world, we are filled with contamination, not only from our food, but also from the air we breathe, and it does a body good to take some time to get some of that poisonous gunk out and have a chance to rebuild healthy, clean cells.

It is also good to get some of those old emotions out, but be careful, and remember that they are simply old feelings, resurfacing, and should not be used against anyone. Those old feeling can help us to work through our own stuff and maybe make decisions about what is best for our future, but it never does anyone any good to simply start accusing and attacking.

A good detox program will clear up your mind and body and allow you to think more clearly as you move forward. It will also give your body a rest and a boost to better health, which is a something we all need from time to time. Do some research and find a detoxification program that works for you and your lifestyle before you commit. It does indeed take some will power to get through, but in the end you will come out stronger, healthier and be better for it.

Love to all.

Have a wonderful day!

~Rev. Kerry

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