Sunday, August 31, 2014

What???? 8.31.14

Good morning. Happy Sunday.

Peace. Love. Practice tolerance for one another.

We are all One.

Mother Earth cries as we kill each other, as we destroy all of her children, as we rape her and take from her over and over again.

What are these "resources" that are more important than life?

We humans are energy gluttons, feeding until there is no more. Killing for whatever we can get our hands on. Feed the energy machine. Feed the electronics that make the world go round. Do they? Do they really?

For what would we do without our video games, teaching our children that violence is acceptable? What would we do without our "entertainment"-- the horror and violent films and novels that we can never get enough of? The sex, the hate, the killing, the consumerism, the us against them?

Who are we without our labels?

The world is our mirror. Do we like what we see? It is a reflection of who we are. Primal, unevolved, lustful, savage, hateful, killing, competitive beasts.

We only get more of what we focus on. More hate. More war. More violence. More judgment. More killing. More fear. More separation.

But enough already. The Spirits are tired of the same old same old.


Today I will focus on love. Today I will practice forgiveness. Today I will tolerate those who are different from me. Today I will cry for ALL children lost in war and senseless killing. Today I will feel sadness for the lost souls who did not know better--who perpetuated the violence in their ignorance of love.

Today I will embrace my brother, my sister, that person who looks different, who believes different, who is me in disguise.

Today I will consume less. I will turn off the TV-- mindnumbing, brainwashing machine of destruction that teaches it is okay to kill, to fear, to hate.

Today I will practice silence in the arms of my Mother Nature and let her love wash over me, cleansing the American Culture from my pores.

Today I will reach for Father Sky and listen as he guides me to my future. I will release the past, cut the cords to those who no longer live with my soul and walk forward into healing.

Today I will observe the world around me with my mouth shut and my mind open. There will be no judgment, there will only be what is.

Today I will live in love and joy, peace and harmony with All That Is.

For today is a choice. This is what I choose. Now.

Love to all.

~Rev. Kerry

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Natural beauty 8.24,14

Good day. Happy Sunday!

I hope everyone is enjoying the weather and spending time in Nature. The chamisa in bloom here is turning the desert a beautiful golden hue.

The colors of Nature are amazing.

Today we took a train ride into the mountains. It was incredibly green. There were so many trees. The wildflowers are in bloom and were an outstanding show of purples and yellows, white and pinks. Thankfully the trees are all still green. I can enjoy summer a little longer, I think.

Take a few minutes to stop and smell the roses and see the world around you. It is glorious in its natural beauty.

Love to all.

~Rev. Kerry

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Chasing dreams 8.17.14

Good day. Happy Sunday.

This week I want to focus on expanding our minds and therefore expanding our souls toward reaching all that we can be.

I have heard several interviews this past week about what to do with one's life. Some are focused more on following one's dreams and passions, while others are more practical and directed toward finding something fulfilling that pays well.

So which is it?

If you are indeed lucky, you might actually get to do something you absolutely love as your work and get paid well for it too. But does that mean that the person who does not get paid well should just throw in the towel and give up the dream? What if you dreams involve working in a volunteer capacity to help as many people as you can? Mother Theresa comes to mind. I don't believe she cared a whole lot about being paid well and living a comfortable and luxurious life. Instead she gave of herself so that others would be comforted.

Personally, I'm all for following one's dreams, no matter what strange path they may lead you down. That is, after all, part of the adventure. If you decide to simplify and live as you need to, there should not be any reason why you can't pursue your passions, as long as all of your time and energy is not given to work that you hate so you can pay the bills for things that you don't really need. A big house? A fancy car? How many pairs of shoes doers one person really need?

Life is about choices. Ultimately it is each person's decision as to what they want to do with their life. A person could choose to follow their passion and live a much simpler life to do so. Think of starving artists. I'd have to say, that although it gets tiring always trying to make ends meet, the freedom to create far exceeds the minor discomforts of life. A lot of artistic people choose smaller dwellings, choosing instead to make the focus of their life on being creative. Their small homes are usually quite beautiful and reflect their artistic personalities very well.

It is time to expand our minds and allow the paradigm change to take root. It is not all about the money. Life is so much more than all of the things you can surround yourself with. Maybe the new dreams involve not only following your true calling, but allowing yourself to be open to experiencing more relationships with people you come into contact with. Share the love.

Yes, follow your dreams. Walk the high road to the inner self. Meet people and learn from them. Love them. Experience those relationships fully. Find joy in self and others and share it. Do the things you enjoy and love to do. It feeds the spirit and keeps your soul alive.

Don't let anyone tell you that you have to settle for a job you don't like. Maybe it's just a stepping stone on your way to someplace else, and that's fine. But, don't give up your dreams. Life is far too short to throw away on some nine to five, cubicle dwelling occupation that simply pays the mortgage.

What is your spirit telling you? Listen to your heart and open yourself to endless possibilities. Anything is possible. You create it all. Think of that. And then think of a life you want to be in. Think of the perfect life. Dream a little every single day and you are one step closer to getting there. Believe it and watch the Universe unfold to allow your world to expand into the dream.

It can happen.

Love to all.

~Rev. Kerry

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Appreciating the season 8.10.14

Good morning. Happy Sunday!

I think this is my favorite time of the year. No, I know it is.

August is the time when summer begins to fade into fall. The air gets just a little bit crisper, especially at night, but the days are still warm, and sometimes even hot. The flowers are all in full bloom, and Fall is beginning to show its colors too. The world outside (at least in North America) is a kaleidoscope of colors, kind of like a grand finale to the growing season.

Now is the time of harvest, as our gardens are beginning to bear fruit. There is no greater joy and sense of accomplishment than going out to pick ripe vegies from our own garden. It was an act of faith, the planting, the watering, the weeding, and now the results are in. Whether the garden was a huge success or just a few plants really took off, the harvest is still a happy moment as we bask in gratitude for the abundance before us. This is food we grew! With our own hands! And we will enjoy eating every single bite of that hard earned bounty.

Ah, yes, August. The month fades quickly into shorter days and cooler nights. The farm animals rest easier as they get some relief from the heat of summer. People rush to get their last days of vacation in before they are confronted with the new school season and the chaos of the coming year before them. Children play a little harder, not wanting to give up their summer freedom, but still secretly look forward to new clothes, new school supplies and the new friends they might meet as they begin another year of school.

I appreciate the changing of the seasons. I adore Indian Summers and drag my intellectual heels as Fall progresses into the cold winter days. The end of August is my joyful season to savor the things I love about the warm weather. I take the time to smell the flowers and imprint the images and colors of a lush garden upon my mind. These are the images that will carry me through the winter days and keep me looking forward to the next year and the coming Spring.

What a beautiful time we get to experience! Enjoy the warmth, the color, the fresh air and the moments. Be grateful for the opportunities that present themselves and enjoy the abundance as the harvest comes in.

Love a little, laugh a little, and live a lot!

Tonight there is a full moon, presenting itself for our appreciation. Bask in the moonlight as you relish the summer days, and enjoy the summer nights. Bring joy to one another and feel the connection to All That Is.

Love to all.

~ Rev. Kerry

Sunday, August 3, 2014

New FB group for the San Luis Valley

I've started a Facebook group for people in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. If you are interested, join us.

SLV Natural and Organic Living

Energy and cleansing 8.3.14

Good Morning. Happy Sunday!

Today I'd like to send you a wave of love and positive energy!

We are all made of energy. The Universe is built on energy. All Things are energy in one form or another. Energy is our real currency, and we exchange energy in many ways throughout the day. We output physical energy as we move and work and get things done. We take in energy as we breathe, and eat and our body turns that oxygen and food into energy to do more physical activities. It takes energy to think, to dream, to communicate. We have emotional energy that we share and that we take in from others. If we do absolutely nothing, we are still taking in energy...and we are also releasing energy back into the world. Every thought is an energy form.

Energy is everywhere. And we can accumulate it within our physical and spiritual selves. But is it energy we want to keep? Some energy is good, like love and joy, and we bask in the lift it bring us. But some energy is not so good and it actually feels as if we are being dragged down by negative energy that comes into our lives and into our selves--energy like anger and jealousy, judgement and meanness.

As energy builds up, are you aware of ways to release unwanted negative energies?

There are many methods to release pent up energy and purge yourself of unwanted negative energies that are bringing you down.

This morning I'd like to share one cleansing ritual my children and I have been practicing when we take walks. It's simple, it's easy, and it's kind of fun too.

Cleansing walk

As you begin your walk, pick up a pebble from the road or somewhere nearby. It can be any stone that calls to you. I often pick white quartz, because it has a tendency to absorb energy, and because it is readily available. (Quartz can be found almost anywhere and is one of the most prolific rocks in the USA. Quartz is the best choice for collecting negative energy from your spiritual body.)

As you walk, rub the stone between your fingers, allowing all of your negative thoughts and feelings to go into the stone. You can also just hold the stone, or even put it in your pocket. I find that if I have a physical connection to the rock I am more aware of actively transferring my negative energy into it. 

Walk for thirty minutes if you can. This  gives you exercise as well as allowing your stone time to absorb the negative energies you have been carrying with you. At the end of your walk, thank the stone and give it back to the Earth, where the negative energies will be absorbed back into the soil and neutralized by the grounding properties of the Earth. Thank Mother Earth for taking, absorbing and neutralizing all those negative thoughts and feelings.

For a few minutes, focus on good feelings...the clean, fresh air, your good health, everything you are grateful for, the abundance in your life and the love and compassion you can share each day. Fill yourself with good feelings and positive energy to replace the negative energy that has now left your energetic body.

Next time you go for a walk, pick a different stone, if you can, and do the ritual again. You can also allow your original stone a period of rest to let the negative energies time to be absorbed into the earth. Leaving the stone out, under the sun and the moon for a day or two will cleanse it. Here are some other methods to cleanse your stone, but this ritual was meant to be spontaneous and simple, so keep it easy enough that you will want to do it often.

This cleansing walk works for daily walks or as often as you are able, giving your energetic self a chance to cleanse and get ready for a new day or week. ~

Enjoy your cleansing walks. 

Love to all!

~Rev. Kerry