Sunday, August 3, 2014

Energy and cleansing 8.3.14

Good Morning. Happy Sunday!

Today I'd like to send you a wave of love and positive energy!

We are all made of energy. The Universe is built on energy. All Things are energy in one form or another. Energy is our real currency, and we exchange energy in many ways throughout the day. We output physical energy as we move and work and get things done. We take in energy as we breathe, and eat and our body turns that oxygen and food into energy to do more physical activities. It takes energy to think, to dream, to communicate. We have emotional energy that we share and that we take in from others. If we do absolutely nothing, we are still taking in energy...and we are also releasing energy back into the world. Every thought is an energy form.

Energy is everywhere. And we can accumulate it within our physical and spiritual selves. But is it energy we want to keep? Some energy is good, like love and joy, and we bask in the lift it bring us. But some energy is not so good and it actually feels as if we are being dragged down by negative energy that comes into our lives and into our selves--energy like anger and jealousy, judgement and meanness.

As energy builds up, are you aware of ways to release unwanted negative energies?

There are many methods to release pent up energy and purge yourself of unwanted negative energies that are bringing you down.

This morning I'd like to share one cleansing ritual my children and I have been practicing when we take walks. It's simple, it's easy, and it's kind of fun too.

Cleansing walk

As you begin your walk, pick up a pebble from the road or somewhere nearby. It can be any stone that calls to you. I often pick white quartz, because it has a tendency to absorb energy, and because it is readily available. (Quartz can be found almost anywhere and is one of the most prolific rocks in the USA. Quartz is the best choice for collecting negative energy from your spiritual body.)

As you walk, rub the stone between your fingers, allowing all of your negative thoughts and feelings to go into the stone. You can also just hold the stone, or even put it in your pocket. I find that if I have a physical connection to the rock I am more aware of actively transferring my negative energy into it. 

Walk for thirty minutes if you can. This  gives you exercise as well as allowing your stone time to absorb the negative energies you have been carrying with you. At the end of your walk, thank the stone and give it back to the Earth, where the negative energies will be absorbed back into the soil and neutralized by the grounding properties of the Earth. Thank Mother Earth for taking, absorbing and neutralizing all those negative thoughts and feelings.

For a few minutes, focus on good feelings...the clean, fresh air, your good health, everything you are grateful for, the abundance in your life and the love and compassion you can share each day. Fill yourself with good feelings and positive energy to replace the negative energy that has now left your energetic body.

Next time you go for a walk, pick a different stone, if you can, and do the ritual again. You can also allow your original stone a period of rest to let the negative energies time to be absorbed into the earth. Leaving the stone out, under the sun and the moon for a day or two will cleanse it. Here are some other methods to cleanse your stone, but this ritual was meant to be spontaneous and simple, so keep it easy enough that you will want to do it often.

This cleansing walk works for daily walks or as often as you are able, giving your energetic self a chance to cleanse and get ready for a new day or week. ~

Enjoy your cleansing walks. 

Love to all!

~Rev. Kerry

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