Good morning. Happy Sunday!
Today, I'd like to focus on the NOW.
What is it? Simple. It is past, present and future all rolled into this single, glorious moment we are in. There is nothing else.
You can think about the past, but your memories are occurring now. You can visualize the future, but your ideas are happening now. Now is absolutely all we have.
This moment is right now. This moment I am alive. I breathe, my heart beats...I am life now.
In this moment what am I feeling? I can choose to alter my mood to one of peace and joy, if it is not there already. This moment creates the next. How would I like to go into the next moment? With feelings of love?
I choose to practice acts of kindness and love in this moment, knowing those acts will reflect back into my next moments.
This is how we create the life we want to live---by creating a perfect NOW moment.
Now, this morning, the sun shines and I am in awe of its life giving force, enjoying the warmth and light that comes to me now. There is a sprinkling of new snow on the ground and I am blessed with the moisture that will melt into the earth.
Right now, I can acknowledge all of the things I am grateful for.
Right now, I can practice kindness and patience with the people I am with.
Right now, I can remember that my Ego is an illusion, and I can choose to listen to my Higher Self.
Right now, I can be love.
Right now, I can feel my connection to All That Is, the Wholeness, the Oneness.
Right now, I can simply be, without any judgement of self, of others, or situations I find myself in.
Right now, I am.
Let us all practice being present in our NOW moments. Let us simply be. In the NOW.
Love to all.
~Rev. Kerry
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