Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ego (11.10.13)

Good morning. Happy Sunday!

This past week I have been stuck in the clutches of Ego, and let me tell you, that can be an unhappy and difficult place to live.

Ego catches us unaware and tricks us into feeding its needs instead of being aware of the higher good and remembering we are all one. It is Ego's job to promote selfishness, and to turn off any connection to higher self and the whole that we are naturally a part of.

As I went through my week, I was not always aware that I was living from an Ego perspective, but I did notice that something was not right--my mood was off and I was quick to anger. I had little patience with anyone around me and was more concerned with what I was doing or not getting done, as the case might be.

So, how does this happen? As we travel our spiritual path, in a place of awareness, sometimes we sidestep the spiritual reality, without even being aware of it, and find ourselves instead in another place, one we might recognize, but one that feels different. It is a heavier vibration, and it feels like maybe we slipped into a parallel universe. It is recognizable, but we feel out of place and want to be back in the lighter vibration, happier and more carefree. Eckhart Tolle would call this the "pain body." The pain body feeds on negativity and unhappiness, coloring the world around us with bleakness and eliminaties all hope.

In my own experience, I think daily stresses build, leading me to react instead of stopping to view the issues from a higher perspective. I become trapped inside my human self (sometimes the pain body) and forget that I am a spiritual being, and much more than the human body I inhabit. Ego loves this. Ego would like to keep us unaware that there is a spiritual side to not only ourselves, but to the entire Universe.

Once one becomes enmeshed in Ego thinking, it seems very hard to disengage and get back to a place of love and living in the now. Meditation can help with this. It can be as simple as going for a walk in a natural setting or simply sitting alone in a quiet place for a while, but you have to disengage from the Ego and regain a higher perspective on reality. You have to be able to release the material world around you and allow yourself to expand into all that is...the Universe and the energy of love.

The Universe will fill you with a new energy of peace and joy, if you let it. Step away from your troubles, for they are the concerns of Ego, and notice the beauty of the planet that you live on. As you bask in the simple peace and love that is the natural state of your spiritual self, you will find the ties of Ego are letting go. When you recognize Ego and how it has taken hold of you and your thinking, it starts to diminish and release its grip on you.

It is important that we allow ourselves time every single day to reconnect with our higher selves, or nature, spirit and the Universe. It is through this connection that we maintain a relationship with all that is, instead of falling into the trap of Ego and the material world.

This is not to say that we can't retrain our Ego to become more loving and joy filled, striving for peace and the greater good--we can, and that is very important on the spiritual journey,  but for this day and this week, let us simply recognize Ego for what it is and notice how it plays out our in our own lives.

As we recognize Ego, we start to release it, and it in turn releases us to be who we really are--a spiritual being of light, filled with love and joy. We are all One, connected by the love and energy of the Universal Consciousness.

When you find yourself feeling out of sorts, take some time to reconnect with your spiritual self, through some form of meditation. Feel the love of the Whole surround you and fill you with peace and joy. And then, go back and view your life from this new perspective, one that is not clouded through the eyes of Ego, and you will find yourself functioning in a higher and  lighter vibration, and a much happier place.

Love to all.

~Rev. Kerry

1 comment:

  1. I needed that this morning! Thanks, Kerry! Hope you all are doing well.
