Sunday, September 14, 2014

Separation is an illusion (9.14.14)

Good morning. Happy Sunday.

I have felt alone. I have cried for the past. I have missed old friends and longed to see those who have gone away. Sometimes people move and others die.  And in my sadness, I have realized they are still with me, where they have always been.

Separation is but an illusion. There is no distance in self. We are All One.

The illusion is born of the ego, who tells us we are important, separate beings.

Our uniqueness plays itself out as Spirit calls into our lives new experiences. As we experience, our thoughts become one with the Unified Consciousness and every experience is shared. But the personal twist is ours, held in the hands of ego and in the heart of unique Spirit that travels with us through time.

But time is also an illusion. There is no time. Only now. We believe we have a past, but can we be certain? Who was that person, for it is not us now. "No man ever steps into the same river twice." ~Heraclitus

The truth is that our Spirit is the only real part of us. Our Spirit is but a piece of the Whole, one cell in the organism that is All That Is.

It is a remarkable thing.

There is no separation. I am here. I am as you are. I am we.

Time and distance does not contain the massiveness of our shared energy. Nor does it keep us apart, for we are One, and nothing separates us but ego.

All One.

When we awaken to ourselves we will stop hating and hurting ourselves. We will dance the dance of joy filled with the energy of love as we circle back around to All That Is.

No, there is no separation. Not space. Not time. Not even death can separate us. For in death we are reunited with ourselves and the illusion is finally over as we shed ego once and for all and embrace ourselves as the Wholeness we always were.

As we live this time and space, let us enjoy our diversity and know it is an expression of Spirit as we try to remember ourselves. Embrace adventure and open the heart to everything. Do not fear emotion for it is the road that leads to self and introspection leads to Spirit and a bigger world than could ever be imagined.

When we walk the inner road, we find ourselves on the path to All That Is, and on that journey, we are joined as we recognize ourselves in everyone around us. We can never really be alone. It is not possible. The ego would tell us otherwise, but remember the ego is not real. The Spirit we see in the eyes of another---that is real. And that is our mirror, for they are us and we are them.

All One.

There is no separation. I am him. She is me.

Love to all.

~Rev. Kerry

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